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Welcome to my Blog.
I am not an active blogger.
Before this, I have had some posts on but, I decided to take it all out and star up FRESH again...I felt that my posts were just too boring.
Even I hated it...
Of course most of the time it is of personal opinion basis but, there was no spice... nothing that would trigger the interest...
So, thank you for stopping by.
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( 2nd June 2012)


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Complicated soul on the journey to self discovery...

Saturday 14 July 2012

We Girls

When we girls dream to be with a perfect guy and instead always fall for the wrong guys, don't think we are being stupid. Though we always admit after a broken heart that we have been stupid, the truth is; we have always hoped that the wrong guys we fall for will turn to be our heroes, our MR.Right. Unfortunately, reality always kicks in hard and thus we end up with broken hearts and hopes and nights of tear stained pillows. You know what guys, we are not stupid as we say we are, it's just that our intentions, dreams and hope are too naive to know the truth behind your skin.

We hate it when you treat us like fast food and old t-shirts. However, we always want to be near you and never let you go in the hopes that one day you will come around and make all our fights and hopes worth it. We just want a small magic to happen in our lives. Make us your Cinderella. We just want our prince to save us from dreaming all the time and instead live a dreamy life peacefully and with lots of drama.

We know we can be really dramatic sometimes. We won't be happy about how we look even if you say that we are beautiful. We won't even agree if you say the truth and we always expect you to call first or apologize first when we have a fight. The truth is, we want to know if you will always love us even though we are nervous wreaks.

Guys, we are not perfect so please don't take advantage of our feelings. When we care, we really mean it. When we want you by our side, it doesn't mean we are weaklings. Why we want you by our sides, we never knew the true reason.

A woman can always cope up with life alone if she wants to. Too bad, God created us in such a way that we always long to give our love and dedicate our vulnerable feminine feelings to someone. We never want to make your lives miserable. We are just weird and unpredictable. Our hormones are always crazy. We even call ourselves crazy.

Most of all, when we say that we love you, we always mean it. When we say we have feelings for you, we always cared and even if you are in a relationship with another, we pretend like we don't mind but, truthfully we always want you for ourselves.

The moment we delete you from our facebook friends' list, it doesn't mean we have issues with you. It means we have to try to stop caring about you and move on. We have to stop hoping that anything is ever going to change. Basically, we give up on our hopeless dreams and feelings that never mattered to you. As said by many, one-sided love story is the least to ever succeed.

Love cannot be one-sided can it? Sometimes, we stupidly go against this fact and keep hoping for the universe to help us change the phase. However, reality slaps us on our face and tells us that we are two different people and each with our own destiny and fates. Differences, became a reason for us to stop hoping for something that will never happen.

So, what happen to true love? Isn't our love true enough for you to be the one and only reason for us to leave our destiny and instead share yours? We know that sometimes, when things work out to be in a relationship, somethings can go wrong too and we might blame each other for the unfortunate events that might have took place but, it doesn't mean we want you to leave.

Let us tell you, even if we scream and say that we hate you and want you to leave, we just want you to hold us tight and tell us that you'll never leave and that we'll work things out together...

Truth is, we can never hate you. We might be angry with you but, we'll never hate you. We'll always keep loving you.

If you want to know why some of us totally move on and don't give a shit of how your life turn out to be, it's because we are badly hurt and we don't want to go through it again and thus, we stay away from you and never allow you to come back into our lives ever again... sorry... but, we just can't...

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My photo
Complicated soul on the journey to self discovery...


Saturday 14 July 2012

We Girls

When we girls dream to be with a perfect guy and instead always fall for the wrong guys, don't think we are being stupid. Though we always admit after a broken heart that we have been stupid, the truth is; we have always hoped that the wrong guys we fall for will turn to be our heroes, our MR.Right. Unfortunately, reality always kicks in hard and thus we end up with broken hearts and hopes and nights of tear stained pillows. You know what guys, we are not stupid as we say we are, it's just that our intentions, dreams and hope are too naive to know the truth behind your skin.

We hate it when you treat us like fast food and old t-shirts. However, we always want to be near you and never let you go in the hopes that one day you will come around and make all our fights and hopes worth it. We just want a small magic to happen in our lives. Make us your Cinderella. We just want our prince to save us from dreaming all the time and instead live a dreamy life peacefully and with lots of drama.

We know we can be really dramatic sometimes. We won't be happy about how we look even if you say that we are beautiful. We won't even agree if you say the truth and we always expect you to call first or apologize first when we have a fight. The truth is, we want to know if you will always love us even though we are nervous wreaks.

Guys, we are not perfect so please don't take advantage of our feelings. When we care, we really mean it. When we want you by our side, it doesn't mean we are weaklings. Why we want you by our sides, we never knew the true reason.

A woman can always cope up with life alone if she wants to. Too bad, God created us in such a way that we always long to give our love and dedicate our vulnerable feminine feelings to someone. We never want to make your lives miserable. We are just weird and unpredictable. Our hormones are always crazy. We even call ourselves crazy.

Most of all, when we say that we love you, we always mean it. When we say we have feelings for you, we always cared and even if you are in a relationship with another, we pretend like we don't mind but, truthfully we always want you for ourselves.

The moment we delete you from our facebook friends' list, it doesn't mean we have issues with you. It means we have to try to stop caring about you and move on. We have to stop hoping that anything is ever going to change. Basically, we give up on our hopeless dreams and feelings that never mattered to you. As said by many, one-sided love story is the least to ever succeed.

Love cannot be one-sided can it? Sometimes, we stupidly go against this fact and keep hoping for the universe to help us change the phase. However, reality slaps us on our face and tells us that we are two different people and each with our own destiny and fates. Differences, became a reason for us to stop hoping for something that will never happen.

So, what happen to true love? Isn't our love true enough for you to be the one and only reason for us to leave our destiny and instead share yours? We know that sometimes, when things work out to be in a relationship, somethings can go wrong too and we might blame each other for the unfortunate events that might have took place but, it doesn't mean we want you to leave.

Let us tell you, even if we scream and say that we hate you and want you to leave, we just want you to hold us tight and tell us that you'll never leave and that we'll work things out together...

Truth is, we can never hate you. We might be angry with you but, we'll never hate you. We'll always keep loving you.

If you want to know why some of us totally move on and don't give a shit of how your life turn out to be, it's because we are badly hurt and we don't want to go through it again and thus, we stay away from you and never allow you to come back into our lives ever again... sorry... but, we just can't...

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